Demo for TCGA mutation and survival dataset

  • All results are based on dnet (version 1.0.7).
  • R scripts (i.e. R expressions) plus necessary comments are highlighted in light cyan, and the rest are outputs in the screen.
  • Images displayed below may be distorted, but should be normal in your screen.
  • Functions contained in dnet 1.0.7 are hyperlinked in-place and also listed on the right side.
    # This is a demo for TCGA mutational profile dataset from Kandoth et al # # This dataset is available from TCGA (see, containing somatic mutational profiles for 3096 cancer samples with survival data. These cancer samples belong to one of 12 major cancer types, including breast adenocarcinoma (BRCA), lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC), uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma (UCEC), glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSC), colon and rectal carcinoma (COAD/READ), bladder urothelial carcinoma (BLCA), kidney renal clear cell carcinoma (KIRC), ovarian serous carcinoma (OV) and acute myeloid leukaemia (LAML). For each patient sample, somatic mutations are represented as a profile of states on genes, where non-zero entry indicates a gene for which how many mutations have occurred in the tumor relative to germ line. The dataset is provided as an 'ExpressionSet' object. ## assayData: exprs(TCGA_mutations), a matrix of 19171 genes X 3096 samples; ## phenoData: pData(TCGA_mutations), variables describing sample phenotypes (i.e. columns in assayData), including clinical/survival information about samples: "time" (i.e. survival time in days), "status" (i.e., survival status: 0=alive; 1=dead), "Age" (the patient age in years), "Gender" (the patient gender: male/female), "TCGA_tumor_type", "Tumor_stage", "Tumor_grade" ## featureData: fData(TCGA_mutations), variables describing features (i.e. rows in assayData), including information about features/genes: "EntrezID" for gene EntrezID, "Symbol" for gene symbol, "Desc" for gene description, "Synonyms" for gene symbol alias ############################################################################### library(dnet) # Load or install packages specifically used in this demo for(pkg in c("Biobase","survival")){ if(!require(pkg, character.only=T)){ source("") biocLite(pkg) lapply(pkg, library, character.only=T) } } # load an "ExpressionSet" object TCGA_mutations <- dRDataLoader(RData='TCGA_mutations')
    'TCGA_mutations' (from package 'dnet' version 1.0.7) has been loaded into the working environment
    eset <- TCGA_mutations # extract information about phenotype data pd <- pData(eset) pd[1:3,]
    time status Age Gender TCGA_tumor_type Tumor_stage TCGA-B8-4153-01B-11D-1669-08 404 0 74 male KIRC 3 TCGA-24-1469-01A-01W-0553-09 277 0 71 female OV 3 TCGA-06-5411-01A-01D-1696-08 254 1 51 male GBM NA Tumor_grade TCGA-B8-4153-01B-11D-1669-08 3 TCGA-24-1469-01A-01W-0553-09 3 TCGA-06-5411-01A-01D-1696-08 NA
    # extract information about feature/gene data fd <- fData(eset) fd[1:3,]
    EntrezID Symbol 1060P11.3 100506173 1060P11.3 A1BG 1 A1BG A1CF 29974 A1CF Desc 1060P11.3 killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, three domains, pseudogene A1BG alpha-1-B glycoprotein A1CF APOBEC1 complementation factor Synonyms 1060P11.3 - A1BG A1B|ABG|GAB|HYST2477 A1CF ACF|ACF64|ACF65|APOBEC1CF|ASP
    # extract information about mutational data md <- exprs(eset) md[1:3,1:3]
    TCGA-B8-4153-01B-11D-1669-08 TCGA-24-1469-01A-01W-0553-09 1060P11.3 1 1 A1BG 0 0 A1CF 0 0 TCGA-06-5411-01A-01D-1696-08 1060P11.3 0 A1BG 1 A1CF 0
    # number of samples for each cancer type tumor_type <- sort(unique(pData(eset)$TCGA_tumor_type)) table(pData(eset)$TCGA_tumor_type)
    BLCA BRCA COADREAD GBM HNSC KIRC LAML LUAD 92 763 193 275 300 417 185 155 LUSC OV UCEC 171 315 230
    # Survival analysis across tumor types using Cox proportional hazards model # Cox regression yields an equation for the hazard/risk as a function of several explanatory variables ## fit a Cox proportional hazards model for age, gender, tumor type data <- pd fit <- survival::coxph(Surv(time,status) ~ Age + Gender + TCGA_tumor_type, data=data) res <- anova(fit, test="Chisq") ## Now with gene mutational data in subject, adjust for other explanatory variables (or called covariates) include: age, gender, and tumor type ## only those genes with mutations at least 1% of samples will be analysed flag <- sapply(1:nrow(md), function(i) ifelse(sum(md[i,]!=0)>=0.01*ncol(md), T, F)) esetGene <- eset[flag, ] md_selected <- md[flag,] ## survival analysis to obtain hazard ratio (HR) and pvaules HR <- rep(1, nrow(md_selected)) pvals <- rep(1, nrow(md_selected)) for(i in 1:nrow(md_selected)){ ## fit a Cox proportional hazards model data <- cbind(pd, gene=md_selected[i,]) fit <- survival::coxph(formula=Surv(time,status) ~ Age + Gender + TCGA_tumor_type + gene, data=data) ## ANOVA (Chisq test) res <- as.matrix(anova(fit, test="Chisq")) HR[i] <- res[5,2] pvals[i] <- res[5,4] } names(HR) <- rownames(md_selected) names(pvals) <- rownames(md_selected) # An igraph object that contains a functional protein association network in human. The network is extracted from the STRING database (version 10). Only those associations with medium confidence (score>=400) are retained. org.Hs.string <- dRDataLoader(RData='org.Hs.string')
    'org.Hs.string' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    # restrict to those edges with high confidence (score>=700) network <- subgraph.edges(org.Hs.string, eids=E(org.Hs.string)[combined_score>=700]) network
    IGRAPH UN-- 15341 316170 -- + attr: name (v/c), seqid (v/c), geneid (v/n), symbol (v/c), | description (v/c), neighborhood_score (e/n), fusion_score (e/n), | cooccurence_score (e/n), coexpression_score (e/n), experimental_score | (e/n), database_score (e/n), textmining_score (e/n), combined_score | (e/n) + edges (vertex names): [1] 3017550--3023854 3023931--3028317 3019304--3028317 3028317--3033319 [5] 3023602--3028317 3014709--3028317 3024678--3026825 3023468--3030905 [9] 3026117--3030905 3026845--3029085 3017265--3027473 3015527--3033837 [13] 3019960--3033973 3021862--3033174 3015979--3025568 3015355--3025568 + ... omitted several edges
    # extract network that only contains genes in pvals ind <- match(V(network)$symbol, names(pvals)) ## for extracted graph nodes_mapped <- V(network)$name[!] network <- dNetInduce(g=network, nodes_query=nodes_mapped, knn=0, remove.loops=F, largest.comp=T) V(network)$name <- V(network)$symbol network
    IGRAPH UN-- 1889 14160 -- + attr: name (v/c), seqid (v/c), geneid (v/n), symbol (v/c), | description (v/c), neighborhood_score (e/n), fusion_score (e/n), | cooccurence_score (e/n), coexpression_score (e/n), experimental_score | (e/n), database_score (e/n), textmining_score (e/n), combined_score | (e/n) + edges (vertex names): [1] OR2G2--OR2L8 OR2G2--OR14A16 OR2G2--OR10G8 OR2G2--OR11L1 OR2G2--OR2L3 [6] OR2G2--OR5D18 OR2G2--OR10G7 OR2G2--OR2T12 OR2G2--OR5F1 OR2G2--OR2T33 [11] OR2G2--OR2C3 OR2G2--OR6F1 OR2G2--OR5P2 OR2G2--OR8J3 OR2G2--OR4C15 [16] OR2G2--OR2M2 OR2G2--OR5D13 OR2G2--OR4Q3 OR2G2--OR2B11 OR2G2--OR2M5 + ... omitted several edges
    # Identification of gene-active network net <- dNetPipeline(g=network, pval=pvals, method="customised", significance.threshold=2.5e-02)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:19:41 First, consider the input fdr (or p-value) distribution Second, determine the significance threshold... significance threshold: 2.50e-02 Third, calculate the scores according to the input fdr (or p-value) and the threshold (if any)... Amongst 2836 scores, there are 149 positives. Finally, find the subgraph from the input graph with 1889 nodes and 14160 edges... Size of the subgraph: 44 nodes and 67 edges Finish at 2015-07-21 17:19:51 Runtime in total is: 10 secs
    IGRAPH UN-- 44 67 -- + attr: name (v/c), seqid (v/c), geneid (v/n), symbol (v/c), | description (v/c), score (v/n), neighborhood_score (e/n), | fusion_score (e/n), cooccurence_score (e/n), coexpression_score | (e/n), experimental_score (e/n), database_score (e/n), | textmining_score (e/n), combined_score (e/n) + edges (vertex names): [1] CTNNB1--FAT4 CTNNB1--MAGI2 CTNNB1--DNM2 CTNNB1--TP53 CTNNB1--TNIK [6] CTNNB1--TJP1 CTNNB1--ABL1 CTNNB1--PTEN DSC2 --TP53 IDH1 --TP53 [11] ITGB1 --HSPG2 ITGB1 --COL6A2 ITGB1 --PAK7 ITGB1 --ITGAM ITGB1 --PTEN [16] ITGB1 --AGRN ITGB1 --UTRN EPHA3 --EPHA1 EPHA3 --ABL1 FAM13A--VAV1 + ... omitted several edges
    # visualisation of the gene-active network itself ## the layout of the network visualisation (fixed in different visuals) glayout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(net) ## color nodes according to communities (identified via a spin-glass model and simulated annealing) com <-, spins=25) com$csize <- sapply(1:length(com),function(x) sum(com$membership==x)) vgroups <- com$membership colormap <- "yellow-darkorange" <- visColormap(colormap=colormap) mcolors <- vcolors <- mcolors[vgroups] com$significance <- dCommSignif(net, com) ## node sizes according to degrees vdegrees <- igraph::degree(net) ## highlight different communities mark.groups <- communities(com) mark.col <- visColoralpha(mcolors, alpha=0.2) mark.border <- visColoralpha(mcolors, alpha=0.2) edge.color <- c("#C0C0C0", "#000000")[crossing(com,net)+1] edge.color <- visColoralpha(edge.color, alpha=0.5) ## visualise the subnetwrok visNet(g=net, glayout=glayout, vertex.label=V(net)$geneSymbol, vertex.color=vcolors, vertex.frame.color=vcolors, vertex.shape="sphere", mark.groups=mark.groups, mark.col=mark.col, mark.border=mark.border, mark.shape=1, mark.expand=10, edge.color=edge.color, newpage=F, vertex.label.color="blue", vertex.label.dist=0.4, vertex.label.font=2)
    legend_name <- paste("C",1:length(mcolors)," (n=",com$csize,", pval=",signif(com$significance,digits=2),")",sep='') legend("topleft", legend=legend_name, fill=mcolors, bty="n", cex=0.6)
    # fit a Cox proportional hazards model using the subnetwork ## for the whole network data_g <- t(md[V(net)$name,]) data_g <- apply(data_g!=0, 1, sum) data <- cbind(pd, net=data_g) fit <- coxph(formula=Surv(time,status) ~ Age + Gender + TCGA_tumor_type + net, data=data) res <- as.matrix(anova(fit)) HR_g <- res[5,2] pvals_g <- res[5,4] ## for the cumulative nodes from the network cg_names <- names(sort(HR[V(net)$name], decreasing=T)) cg_signif <- matrix(1, nrow=length(cg_names), ncol=2) rownames(cg_signif) <- cg_names colnames(cg_signif) <- c("HR", "pvalue") for(i in 1:length(cg_names)){ data_g <- t(md[cg_names[1:i],]) if(i!=1){ data_g <- apply(data_g!=0, 1, sum) }else{ data_g <- as.vector(data_g!=0) } data <- cbind(pd, cnet=data_g) fit <- coxph(formula=Surv(time,status) ~ Age + Gender + TCGA_tumor_type + cnet, data=data) res <- as.matrix(anova(fit)) cg_signif[i,] <- res[5,c(2,4)] } cg_signif[cg_signif[,2]==0,2] <- min(cg_signif[cg_signif[,2]!=0,2]) naive <- sample(HR, length(cg_names)) bp.HR.list <- list(All=naive, Neti=HR[cg_names], Netc=cg_signif[2:nrow(cg_signif),1]) par(las=2, mar=c(10,8,4,2)) # all axis labels horizontal boxplot(bp.HR.list, outline=F, horizontal=F, names=c("naive\n(genes in random)", "dnet\n(genes individually)", "dnet \n(genes in combination)"), col=c("red","green","blue"), ylab="Cox hazard ratio (HR)", log="y", ylim=c(0.1,100))
    # Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test ## Genes randomly choosen versus genes in the network (used individually) stats::ks.test(x=naive, y=HR[cg_names], alternative="two.sided", exact=NULL)
    Warning message: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
    Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: naive and HR[cg_names] D = 0.81818, p-value = 3.23e-13 alternative hypothesis: two-sided
    ## Genes in the network (used individually) versuse genes in the network (used in combination) stats::ks.test(x=HR[cg_names], y=cg_signif[2:nrow(cg_signif),1], alternative="two.sided", exact=NULL)
    Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: HR[cg_names] and cg_signif[2:nrow(cg_signif), 1] D = 1, p-value = 4.441e-16 alternative hypothesis: two-sided
    # Network-based sample classifications and visualisations on 2D sample landscape # it uses the gene-active subnetwork overlaid by mutation frequency data frac_mutated <- sapply(tumor_type, function(x) { e <- eset[, which(pData(eset)$TCGA_tumor_type==x)] apply(exprs(e)!=0,1,sum)/ncol(e) }) rownames(frac_mutated) <- fData(eset)$Symbol data <- frac_mutated[V(net)$name,] sReorder <- dNetReorder(g=net, data, feature="edge", node.normalise="degree", amplifier=3, metric="none")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:20:06 First, define topology of a map grid (2015-07-21 17:20:06)... Second, initialise the codebook matrix (36 X 67) using 'linear' initialisation, given a topology and input data (2015-07-21 17:20:06)... Third, get training at the rough stage (2015-07-21 17:20:06)... 1 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 37 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 74 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 111 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 148 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 185 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 222 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 259 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 296 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 333 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 363 out of 363 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) Fourth, get training at the finetune stage (2015-07-21 17:20:06)... 1 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 145 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 290 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 435 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 580 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 725 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 870 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 1015 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 1160 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 1305 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:06) 1441 out of 1441 (2015-07-21 17:20:07) Next, identify the best-matching hexagon/rectangle for the input data (2015-07-21 17:20:07)... Finally, append the response data (hits and mqe) into the sMap object (2015-07-21 17:20:07)... Below are the summaries of the training results: dimension of input data: 11x67 xy-dimension of map grid: xdim=6, ydim=6 grid lattice: rect grid shape: sheet dimension of grid coord: 36x2 initialisation method: linear dimension of codebook matrix: 36x67 mean quantization error: 0.00343617643351582 Below are the details of trainology: training algorithm: sequential alpha type: invert training neighborhood kernel: gaussian trainlength (x input data length): 33 at rough stage; 131 at finetune stage radius (at rough stage): from 1 to 1 radius (at finetune stage): from 1 to 1 End at 2015-07-21 17:20:07 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    visNetReorder(g=net, data=data, sReorder=sReorder, height=ceiling(sqrt(ncol(data)))*3, newpage=T, glayout=glayout, colormap="darkgreen-lightgreen-lightpink-darkred", vertex.label=NA,vertex.shape="sphere", vertex.size=16,mtext.cex=0.8,border.color="888888", zlim=c(0,0.1), mark.groups=mark.groups, mark.col=mark.col, mark.border=mark.border, mark.shape=1, mark.expand=10, edge.color=edge.color)
    # output the subnetwork and their mutation frequency data ## Write the subnetwork into a SIF-formatted file (Simple Interaction File) sif <- data.frame(source=get.edgelist(net)[,1], type="interaction", target=get.edgelist(net)[,2]) write.table(sif, file=paste("Survival_TCGA.sif", sep=""), quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=F,sep="\t") ## Output the corresponding mutation frequency data hmap <- data.frame(Symbol=rownames(data), data) write.table(hmap, file=paste("Survival_TCGA.txt", sep=""), quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") # define the "mutation ubiquity" of genes in terms of a vector which stores the fraction of samples (within a tumor type) having the mutated gene # sparseness for a vector is: 1) one if the vector contains only a single non-zero value; 2) zero if and only if all elements are equal; 3) otherwise, the value interpolates smoothly between the two extremes sparseness <- sapply(1:nrow(frac_mutated), function(i){ v <- frac_mutated[i,] n <- length(v) norm1 <- sum(abs(v)) norm2 <- sqrt(sum(v^2)) (sqrt(n)-norm1/norm2) / (sqrt(n)-1) }) sparseness <- matrix(sparseness, ncol=1) rownames(sparseness) <- rownames(frac_mutated) # derive the "mutation ubiquity" of genes: mutational fraction with the same type, and fraction consistent across different types ubiquity <- 1- sparseness hist(ubiquity,20, xlab="Cross-tumor mutation ubiquity", xlim=c(0,1))
    # GSEA using the network as a gene set against the cross-tumor mutation ubiquity and each tumor type customised.genesets <- list(net=V(net)$name) eTerm <- dGSEA(data=cbind(ubiquity, frac_mutated), identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="Customised", customised.genesets=customised.genesets, weight=0, nperm=2000)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:20:57 First, load the ontology Customised and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:20:57) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:20:58) ... Among 19420 symbols of input data, there are 19420 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform GSEA analysis (2015-07-21 17:21:02) ... Sample 1 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:02) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 2 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:05) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 3 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:08) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 4 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:11) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 5 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:13) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 6 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:16) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 7 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:19) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 8 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:21) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 9 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:23) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 10 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:26) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 11 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:29) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed Sample 12 is being processed at (2015-07-21 17:21:31) ... 1 of 1 gene sets have been processed End at 2015-07-21 17:21:34 Runtime in total is: 37 secs
    ## Comparing normalised enrichement score (NES) frac_pvalue <- as.vector(eTerm$pvalue) frac_fdr <- stats::p.adjust(frac_pvalue, method="BH") frac_nes <- as.vector(eTerm$nes) frac_es <- as.vector(eTerm$es) df <- cbind(frac_es, frac_nes, frac_pvalue, frac_fdr) rownames(df) <- colnames(eTerm$es) rownames(df)[nrow(df)] <- "Mutation\nubiquity" ind <-, index.return=T)$ix data <- df[ind,] par(las=1) # make label text perpendicular to axis par(mar=c(5,8,4,2)) # increase y-axis margin. z <- data[,2] barY <- barplot(z, xlab="Normalised enrichment score (NES)", horiz=TRUE, names.arg=rownames(data), cex.names=0.7, cex.lab=0.7, cex.axis=0.7, col="transparent")
    ## GSEA plot for ubiquity visGSEA(eTerm, which_sample=1)
    # Evolutionary analysis for genes in the subnetwork ## get a list of genes in the subnetwork eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="PS2", sizeRange=c(10,20000), min.overlap=0)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:21:36 First, load the ontology PS2 and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:21:36) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egPS' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:21:36) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:21:36) ... There are 19 terms being used, each restricted within [10,20000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:21:36) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:21:36 Runtime in total is: 0 secs
    ## Look at the evolution relevance along the path to the eukaryotic common ancestor output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="none", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_PS2.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") output
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp namespace 11 33208:Metazoa 615 6 3.0600 0.0025 0.024 kingdom 13 6072:Eumetazoa 485 1 -0.4110 0.4400 0.470 no rank 15 33213:Bilateria 408 2 0.6760 0.1300 0.210 no rank 17 33511:Deuterostomia 672 6 2.8100 0.0041 0.026 no rank 18 7711:Chordata 75 2 3.7000 0.0016 0.024 phylum 19 7742:Vertebrata 96 0 -0.5460 0.2600 0.350 no rank 20 117571:Euteleostomi 568 3 0.9690 0.0960 0.170 no rank 21 8287:Sarcopterygii 106 0 -0.5740 0.2800 0.350 no rank 22 32523:Tetrapoda 123 0 -0.6190 0.3200 0.380 no rank 23 32524:Amniota 206 2 1.7300 0.0250 0.080 no rank 24 40674:Mammalia 13 0 -0.2000 0.0390 0.110 class 25 32525:Theria 75 1 1.6100 0.0220 0.080 no rank 26 9347:Eutheria 53 0 -0.4050 0.1500 0.220 no rank 27 1437010:Boreoeutheria 78 1 1.5600 0.0240 0.080 no rank 3 2759:Eukaryota 7067 9 -3.8900 1.0000 1.000 superkingdom 30 9443:Primates 23 0 -0.2670 0.0680 0.140 order 36 207598:Homininae 15 0 -0.2150 0.0450 0.110 subfamily 37 9606:Homo sapiens 34 0 -0.3240 0.1000 0.170 species 8 33154:Opisthokonta 3263 10 -0.0144 0.4200 0.470 no rank distance members 11 0.09260898 ABL1,BTK,NCAM1,KAT6A,MAST1,TNRC6C 13 0.1117612 TJP1 15 0.126603 DSC2,ITGB1 17 0.1485278 COL6A2,EPHA1,EPHA3,VAV1,HUWE1,TP53 18 0.1575984 EPHB1,ITGAM 19 0.1695313 20 0.1829545 ARHGEF11,MAGI2,FAT4 21 0.1855467 22 0.188559 23 0.1924103 ARAP2,AGRN 24 0.1955288 25 0.1991713 UTRN 26 0.2026269 27 0.2040922 HSPG2 3 0 ABCA1,COL19A1,CTNNB1,DNMT1,IDH1,TRPC6,TNIK,SIN3A,PAK7 30 0.2070882 36 0.223133 37 0.2334046 8 0.03880849 BRCA2,DNM2,NPM1,PTEN,CACNA1I,FAM13A,RAD50,STAT1,ARHGAP17,SMC1B
    ## load Entrezgene info <- dRDataLoader(RData='')
    '' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    gene_info <-$gene_info entrez <- unlist(eTerm$overlap[6], use.names=F) ## build neighbor-joining tree data <- frac_mutated[V(net)$name,] tree_bs <- visTreeBootstrap(t(data), nodelabels.arg=list(cex=0.7,bg="white-pink-violet"), metric=c("euclidean","pearson","spearman","cos","manhattan","kendall","mi")[3], num.bootstrap=2000, plot.phylo.arg=list(cex=1, edge.width=1.2))
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:21:36 First, build the tree (using nj algorithm and spearman distance) from input matrix (11 by 44)... Second, perform bootstrap analysis with 2000 replicates... Finally, visualise the bootstrapped tree... Finish at 2015-07-21 17:21:39 Runtime in total is: 3 secs
    flag <- match(tree_bs$tip.label, colnames(data)) base <- sapply(eTerm$overlap, function(x){ as.character(gene_info[match(x,rownames(gene_info)),2]) }) ## reordering via hierarchical clustering if(1){ cluster_order <- matrix(1, nrow=length(base)) base_order <- matrix(1, nrow=length(base)) for(i in 1:length(base)){ tmp <- base[[i]] ind <- match(tmp, rownames(data)) if(length(ind)>0){ base_order[ind] <- i tmpD <- data[ind,] if(length(tmp) != 1){ distance <- as.dist(sDistance(tmpD, metric="pearson")) cluster <- hclust(distance, method="average") cluster_order[ind] <- cluster$order }else if(length(tmp) == 1){ cluster_order[ind] <- 1 } } } ## contruct data frame including 1st column for temporary index, 2nd for cluster order, 3rd for base/cluster ID df <- data.frame(ind=1:nrow(data), cluster_order, base_order) # order by: first base, then hexagon ordering <- df[order(base_order,cluster_order),]$ind } RowSideColors <- sapply(1:length(base), function(x) base_order==x) RowSideColors <- t(RowSideColors) rslab <- ifelse(eTerm$adjp<0.05," (FDR<0.05)","") rslab <- paste(gsub(".*:","",eTerm$set_info$name), rslab, sep="") rownames(RowSideColors) <- rslab colnames(RowSideColors) <- rownames(data) RowSideColors <- ifelse(RowSideColors==T, "gray","white") RowSideColors <- RowSideColors[, ordering] base_order1 <- base_order[ordering] basesep_index <- sapply(unique(base_order1), function(x) which(base_order1[length(base_order1):1]==x)[1]) basesep_index <- basesep_index[1:length(basesep_index)-1] labRow <- sapply(pvals[match(V(net)$name, names(pvals))], function(x){ if(x < 0.005){ " ***" }else if(x < 0.01){ " **" }else if(x<0.05){ " *" }else{ "" } }) labRow <- paste(rownames(data), labRow, sep="") visHeatmapAdv(data=data[ordering,flag], Rowv=F, Colv=F, colormap="lightyellow-orange", zlim=c(0,0.12), keysize=1.5, RowSideColors=RowSideColors, RowSideWidth=2, RowSideLabelLocation="top", add.expr=abline(h=(basesep_index-0.5), lty=2,lwd=1,col="black"), offsetRow=-0.5, labRow=labRow[ordering], KeyValueName="Frequency", margins=c(6,6))
    # Cross-tumor mutation ubiquity versus common ancestors ind <- match(V(net)$name, rownames(ubiquity)) net_ubiquity <- ubiquity[ind] net_ubiquity <- net_ubiquity[ordering] names(net_ubiquity) <- rownames(data)[ordering] data <- cbind(net_ubiquity, base_order1) par(las=2, mar=c(12,8,4,2)) # all axis labels horizontal lbls <- eTerm$set_info$name[unique(base_order1)] lbls <- gsub(".*:","",lbls) visBoxplotAdv(formula=net_ubiquity ~ base_order1, data=data, method=c("center","hex","square","swarm")[4], pch=19, xlab="", ylab="Cross-tumor mutation ubiquity", ylim=c(0,1), labels=lbls)
    Warning message: data length is not a multiple of split variable Error: length(pie.out) == n.obs is not TRUE
    ## Deuterostomia versus all ancestors stats::ks.test(x=net_ubiquity[base_order1==6], y=net_ubiquity, alternative="two.sided", exact=NULL)
    Warning message: cannot compute exact p-value with ties
    Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: net_ubiquity[base_order1 == 6] and net_ubiquity D = 0.67424, p-value = 0.01645 alternative hypothesis: two-sided
    ## Deuterostomia versus ancestors before Deuterostomia stats::ks.test(x=net_ubiquity[base_order1==6], y=net_ubiquity[base_order1<6], alternative="two.sided", exact=NULL)
    Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: net_ubiquity[base_order1 == 6] and net_ubiquity[base_order1 < 6] D = 0.79762, p-value = 0.0008923 alternative hypothesis: two-sided
    ## Deuterostomia versus ancestors after Deuterostomia stats::ks.test(x=net_ubiquity[base_order1==6], y=net_ubiquity[base_order1>6], alternative="two.sided", exact=NULL)
    Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: net_ubiquity[base_order1 == 6] and net_ubiquity[base_order1 > 6] D = 0.72222, p-value = 0.02797 alternative hypothesis: two-sided
    # GOBP enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="GOBP")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:21:40 First, load the ontology GOBP and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:21:40) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egGOBP' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:21:40) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:21:40) ... There are 2251 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:21:41) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:21:41 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_GOBP.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_GOBP.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the GOBP heirarchy ## first, load the GOBP ontology ig.GOBP <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.GOBP')
    'ig.GOBP' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.GOBP ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name nAnno GO:0007411 axon guidance 379 GO:0007569 cell aging 24 GO:0018108 peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation 120 GO:0043065 positive regulation of apoptotic process 277 GO:0051056 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 122 GO:0010976 positive regulation of neuron projection development 70 GO:0030198 extracellular matrix organization 312 GO:0042692 muscle cell differentiation 35 GO:0007264 small GTPase mediated signal transduction 472 GO:0016477 cell migration 172 nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp namespace distance GO:0007411 11 9.74 3.7e-10 2.1e-08 Process 14 GO:0007569 3 11.30 5.6e-07 1.3e-05 Process 4 GO:0018108 5 8.06 1.0e-06 1.3e-05 Process 9 GO:0043065 7 7.11 9.1e-07 1.3e-05 Process 8 GO:0051056 5 7.98 1.1e-06 1.3e-05 Process 8 GO:0010976 4 8.59 1.5e-06 1.4e-05 Process 8 GO:0030198 7 6.60 2.2e-06 1.8e-05 Process 5 GO:0042692 3 9.26 2.7e-06 2.0e-05 Process 5 GO:0007264 8 5.88 5.4e-06 3.5e-05 Process 7 GO:0016477 5 6.53 8.2e-06 4.8e-05 Process 6 members GO:0007411 ITGB1,ARHGEF11,AGRN,EPHA1,EPHB1,ABL1,CACNA1I,TRPC6,COL6A2,EPHA3,NCAM1 GO:0007569 TP53,BRCA2,NPM1 GO:0018108 EPHA1,EPHB1,ABL1,BTK,EPHA3 GO:0043065 TP53,ITGB1,DNM2,CTNNB1,ARHGEF11,ABL1,VAV1 GO:0051056 ARHGEF11,VAV1,FAM13A,ARHGAP17,ARAP2 GO:0010976 ITGB1,UTRN,MAGI2,EPHA3 GO:0030198 ITGB1,COL19A1,HSPG2,AGRN,ITGAM,COL6A2,NCAM1 GO:0042692 CTNNB1,ABL1,UTRN GO:0007264 ITGB1,CTNNB1,ARHGEF11,ABL1,VAV1,FAM13A,ARHGAP17,ARAP2 GO:0016477 PTEN,ITGB1,ABL1,PAK7,EPHA3
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) names(nodes.highlight) <- nodes_query ## induce the shortest paths (one for each significant term) to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query, path.mode="shortest_paths") ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"both", node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    # GOMF enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="GOMF")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:22:21 First, load the ontology GOMF and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:22:21) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egGOMF' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:22:21) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:22:21) ... There are 633 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:22:22) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:22:22 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_GOMF.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_GOMF.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the GOMF heirarchy ## first, load the GOMF ontology ig.GOMF <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.GOMF')
    'ig.GOMF' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.GOMF ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp GO:0000287 magnesium ion binding 190 4 4.60 2.4e-04 0.00099 GO:0002020 protease binding 85 3 5.48 1.2e-04 0.00099 GO:0003690 double-stranded DNA binding 98 3 5.03 2.0e-04 0.00099 GO:0008022 protein C-terminus binding 172 4 4.90 1.5e-04 0.00099 GO:0019899 enzyme binding 309 5 4.30 2.8e-04 0.00099 GO:0019901 protein kinase binding 347 6 4.95 6.5e-05 0.00099 GO:0017124 SH3 domain binding 116 3 4.54 3.8e-04 0.00110 GO:0005096 GTPase activator activity 251 4 3.80 8.5e-04 0.00220 GO:0008134 transcription factor binding 266 4 3.64 1.1e-03 0.00260 GO:0004672 protein kinase activity 192 3 3.23 2.5e-03 0.00480 namespace distance members GO:0000287 Function 6 ABL1,IDH1,PTEN,MAST1 GO:0002020 Function 5 TP53,ITGB1,BRCA2 GO:0003690 Function 7 STAT1,TP53,CTNNB1 GO:0008022 Function 4 ABL1,CTNNB1,TJP1,HSPG2 GO:0019899 Function 4 PTEN,STAT1,TP53,CTNNB1,DNM2 GO:0019901 Function 6 PTEN,TP53,ITGB1,NPM1,UTRN,EPHA1 GO:0017124 Function 5 ABL1,DNM2,ARHGAP17 GO:0005096 Function 5 ARHGEF11,FAM13A,ARHGAP17,ARAP2 GO:0008134 Function 4 TP53,CTNNB1,DNMT1,KAT6A GO:0004672 Function 6 ABL1,EPHA1,TNIK
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) names(nodes.highlight) <- nodes_query ## induce the shortest paths (one for each significant term) to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query, path.mode="shortest_paths") ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"both", node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    # MP enrichment analysis #eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MP", ontology.algorithm="elim") eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MP", min.overlap=4)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:22:36 First, load the ontology MP and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:22:36) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egMP' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:22:36) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:22:37) ... There are 4731 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:22:43) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:22:44 Runtime in total is: 8 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_MP.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_MP.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the MP heirarchy ## first, load the MP ontology ig.MP <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.MP')
    'ig.MP' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.MP ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name nAnno nOverlap MP:0000172 abnormal bone marrow cell number 194 10 MP:0008011 intestine polyps 30 5 MP:0010269 decreased mammary gland tumor incidence 14 4 MP:0012422 decreased integument system tumor incidence 14 4 MP:0010352 gastrointestinal tract polyps 33 5 MP:0000333 decreased bone marrow cell number 137 8 MP:0012416 decreased gland tumor incidence 17 4 MP:0008021 increased blastoma incidence 36 5 MP:0002398 abnormal bone marrow cell morphology/development 508 13 MP:0008215 decreased immature B cell number 117 7 zscore pvalue adjp namespace distance MP:0000172 9.66 7.2e-10 3.7e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 4 MP:0008011 13.00 3.8e-09 4.9e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 4 MP:0010269 15.40 3.4e-09 4.9e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 7 MP:0012422 15.40 3.4e-09 4.9e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 6 MP:0010352 12.40 7.1e-09 7.3e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 3 MP:0000333 9.27 9.1e-09 7.5e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 5 MP:0012416 13.90 1.0e-08 7.5e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 6 MP:0008021 11.80 1.2e-08 7.9e-07 Mammalian_phenotype 7 MP:0002398 7.12 2.6e-08 1.5e-06 Mammalian_phenotype 3 MP:0008215 8.78 5.0e-08 2.5e-06 Mammalian_phenotype 11 members MP:0000172 PTEN,TP53,CTNNB1,KAT6A,BRCA2,IDH1,NPM1,RAD50,ABL1,BTK MP:0008011 PTEN,TP53,ITGB1,CTNNB1,DNMT1 MP:0010269 PTEN,TP53,ITGB1,CTNNB1 MP:0012422 PTEN,TP53,ITGB1,CTNNB1 MP:0010352 PTEN,TP53,ITGB1,CTNNB1,DNMT1 MP:0000333 PTEN,TP53,CTNNB1,KAT6A,BRCA2,IDH1,RAD50,ABL1 MP:0012416 PTEN,TP53,ITGB1,CTNNB1 MP:0008021 PTEN,TP53,CTNNB1,BRCA2,RAD50 MP:0002398 PTEN,TP53,CTNNB1,KAT6A,STAT1,BRCA2,IDH1,NPM1,RAD50,ABL1,BTK,ABCA1,ITGAM MP:0008215 TP53,KAT6A,RAD50,ABL1,BTK,HUWE1,VAV1
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) names(nodes.highlight) <- nodes_query ## induce all possible paths to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query) ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"none","term_id","term_name","both","full_term_name")[5], layout.orientation=c("left_right","top_bottom","bottom_top","right_left")[1], node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    # DO enrichment analysis #eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="DO", ontology.algorithm="pc") eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="DO")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:22:54 First, load the ontology DO and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:22:54) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egDO' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:22:54) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:22:54) ... There are 917 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:22:56) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:22:57 Runtime in total is: 3 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_DO.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_DO.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the DO heirarchy ## first, load the DO ontology ig.DO <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.DO')
    'ig.DO' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.DO ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore DOID:3713 ovary adenocarcinoma 31 4 10.10 DOID:10652 Alzheimer's disease 397 10 6.14 DOID:4866 salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma 38 4 9.08 DOID:680 tauopathy 400 10 6.11 DOID:1037 lymphoblastic leukemia 413 10 5.97 DOID:0050904 salivary gland carcinoma 55 4 7.40 DOID:0070004 myeloma 372 9 5.64 DOID:8618 oral cavity cancer 55 4 7.40 DOID:8850 salivary gland cancer 55 4 7.40 DOID:5683 hereditary breast ovarian cancer 221 7 5.95 pvalue adjp namespace distance DOID:3713 2.6e-07 5.0e-05 Disease_Ontology 10 DOID:10652 1.0e-06 5.2e-05 Disease_Ontology 6 DOID:4866 7.5e-07 5.2e-05 Disease_Ontology 8 DOID:680 1.1e-06 5.2e-05 Disease_Ontology 5 DOID:1037 1.5e-06 5.7e-05 Disease_Ontology 7 DOID:0050904 4.9e-06 1.0e-04 Disease_Ontology 7 DOID:0070004 4.7e-06 1.0e-04 Disease_Ontology 7 DOID:8618 4.9e-06 1.0e-04 Disease_Ontology 5 DOID:8850 4.9e-06 1.0e-04 Disease_Ontology 6 DOID:5683 5.9e-06 1.1e-04 Disease_Ontology 5 members DOID:3713 TP53,PTEN,CTNNB1,BRCA2 DOID:10652 TP53,ABCA1,ITGAM,ITGB1,CTNNB1,ABL1,HSPG2,NCAM1,DNM2,AGRN DOID:4866 TP53,CTNNB1,DNMT1,NCAM1 DOID:680 TP53,ABCA1,ITGAM,ITGB1,CTNNB1,ABL1,HSPG2,NCAM1,DNM2,AGRN DOID:1037 TP53,ITGAM,ITGB1,PTEN,STAT1,ABL1,DNMT1,NCAM1,EPHA3,BTK DOID:0050904 TP53,CTNNB1,DNMT1,NCAM1 DOID:0070004 TP53,ITGB1,STAT1,CTNNB1,ABL1,IDH1,NPM1,DNMT1,NCAM1 DOID:8618 TP53,CTNNB1,DNMT1,NCAM1 DOID:8850 TP53,CTNNB1,DNMT1,NCAM1 DOID:5683 TP53,PTEN,STAT1,RAD50,ABL1,NPM1,BRCA2
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) names(nodes.highlight) <- nodes_query ## induce all possible shortest paths to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query) ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"both", zlim=c(0,4), node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    # Pathway enrichment analysis ## uisng CP eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MsigdbC2CP")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:03 First, load the ontology MsigdbC2CP and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:03) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egMsigdbC2CP' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:03) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:03) ... There are 245 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:04) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:04 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE)
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp M5193 SIG_CHEMOTAXIS 45 4 5.49 5.5e-05 0.00088 M258 PID_BARD1_PATHWAY 29 3 5.21 1.4e-04 0.00110 M1315 SIG_PIP3_SIGNALING_IN_B_LYMPHOCYTES 36 3 4.56 3.3e-04 0.00130 M233 PID_EPO_PATHWAY 34 3 4.73 2.7e-04 0.00130 M5887 NABA_BASEMENT_MEMBRANES 40 3 4.27 5.0e-04 0.00160 M142 PID_AJDISS_2PATHWAY 48 3 3.79 1.0e-03 0.00250 M67 PID_ARF6_TRAFFICKING_PATHWAY 49 3 3.73 1.1e-03 0.00250 M231 PID_KIT_PATHWAY 52 3 3.59 1.4e-03 0.00270 M261 PID_P53_REGULATION_PATHWAY 59 3 3.28 2.2e-03 0.00390 M124 PID_CXCR4_PATHWAY 102 4 3.12 2.5e-03 0.00410 namespace M5193 C2 M258 C2 M1315 C2 M233 C2 M5887 C2 M142 C2 M67 C2 M231 C2 M261 C2 M124 C2 distance M5193 Genes related to chemotaxis M258 BARD1 signaling events M1315 Genes related to PIP3 signaling in B lymphocytes M233 EPO signaling pathway M5887 Genes encoding structural components of basement membranes M142 Posttranslational regulation of adherens junction stability and dissassembly M67 Arf6 trafficking events M231 Signaling events mediated by Stem cell factor receptor (c-Kit) M261 p53 pathway M124 CXCR4-mediated signaling events members M5193 BTK,PTEN,ARHGEF11,PAK7 M258 RAD50,TP53,NPM1 M1315 BTK,PTEN,VAV1 M233 BTK,STAT1,TRPC6 M5887 COL6A2,AGRN,HSPG2 M142 ABL1,CTNNB1,DNM2 M67 ITGB1,CTNNB1,DNM2 M231 PTEN,STAT1,VAV1 M261 ABL1,TP53,HUWE1 M124 PTEN,STAT1,ITGB1,VAV1
    ## using KEGG eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MsigdbC2KEGG")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:04 First, load the ontology MsigdbC2KEGG and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:04) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egMsigdbC2KEGG' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:04) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:04) ... There are 186 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:05) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:05 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE)
    name nAnno nOverlap M5539 KEGG_AXON_GUIDANCE 129 6 M7098 KEGG_ECM_RECEPTOR_INTERACTION 84 4 M7253 KEGG_FOCAL_ADHESION 200 6 M19877 KEGG_ENDOMETRIAL_CANCER 52 3 M2333 KEGG_PATHOGENIC_ESCHERICHIA_COLI_INFECTION 57 3 M12868 KEGG_PATHWAYS_IN_CANCER 325 7 M2164 KEGG_LEUKOCYTE_TRANSENDOTHELIAL_MIGRATION 117 4 M16376 KEGG_ARRHYTHMOGENIC_RIGHT_VENTRICULAR_CARDIOMYOPATHY_ARVC 75 3 M3126 KEGG_LEISHMANIA_INFECTION 72 3 M9726 KEGG_PANCREATIC_CANCER 70 3 zscore pvalue adjp namespace M5539 5.85 1.2e-05 0.00018 C2 M7098 4.83 1.6e-04 0.00100 C2 M7253 4.33 1.9e-04 0.00100 C2 M19877 4.71 2.8e-04 0.00110 C2 M2333 4.45 4.0e-04 0.00130 C2 M12868 3.59 7.0e-04 0.00170 C2 M2164 3.86 7.3e-04 0.00170 C2 M16376 3.72 1.1e-03 0.00180 C2 M3126 3.83 9.8e-04 0.00180 C2 M9726 3.90 8.9e-04 0.00180 C2 distance M5539 Axon guidance M7098 ECM-receptor interaction M7253 Focal adhesion M19877 Endometrial cancer M2333 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection M12868 Pathways in cancer M2164 Leukocyte transendothelial migration M16376 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) M3126 Leishmania infection M9726 Pancreatic cancer members M5539 ABL1,PAK7,ITGB1,EPHA1,EPHA3,EPHB1 M7098 ITGB1,COL6A2,HSPG2,AGRN M7253 CTNNB1,PTEN,VAV1,PAK7,ITGB1,COL6A2 M19877 TP53,CTNNB1,PTEN M2333 CTNNB1,ABL1,ITGB1 M12868 TP53,CTNNB1,PTEN,BRCA2,ABL1,ITGB1,STAT1 M2164 CTNNB1,VAV1,ITGB1,ITGAM M16376 CTNNB1,ITGB1,DSC2 M3126 ITGB1,STAT1,ITGAM M9726 TP53,BRCA2,STAT1
    ## uisng REACTOME eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MsigdbC2REACTOME")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:05 First, load the ontology MsigdbC2REACTOME and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:05) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egMsigdbC2REACTOME' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:05) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:05) ... There are 662 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:07) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:07 Runtime in total is: 2 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE)
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore M8821 REACTOME_AXON_GUIDANCE 243 10 7.60 M509 REACTOME_DEVELOPMENTAL_BIOLOGY 388 11 6.23 M7169 REACTOME_NCAM1_INTERACTIONS 39 4 8.16 M11187 REACTOME_NCAM_SIGNALING_FOR_NEURITE_OUT_GROWTH 64 4 6.15 M501 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_RHO_GTPASES 112 5 5.60 M508 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_SCF_KIT 75 3 4.03 M872 REACTOME_L1CAM_INTERACTIONS 84 3 3.73 M2049 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_PDGF 118 3 2.92 M522 REACTOME_CELL_CELL_COMMUNICATION 118 3 2.92 M529 REACTOME_MEIOSIS 112 3 3.04 pvalue adjp namespace M8821 3.9e-08 8.6e-07 C2 M509 5.4e-07 5.9e-06 C2 M7169 2.0e-06 1.5e-05 C2 M11187 2.4e-05 1.3e-04 C2 M501 2.9e-05 1.3e-04 C2 M508 7.4e-04 2.7e-03 C2 M872 1.1e-03 3.6e-03 C2 M2049 3.9e-03 7.9e-03 C2 M522 3.9e-03 7.9e-03 C2 M529 3.3e-03 7.9e-03 C2 distance M8821 Genes involved in Axon guidance M509 Genes involved in Developmental Biology M7169 Genes involved in NCAM1 interactions M11187 Genes involved in NCAM signaling for neurite out-growth M501 Genes involved in Signaling by Rho GTPases M508 Genes involved in Signaling by SCF-KIT M872 Genes involved in L1CAM interactions M2049 Genes involved in Signaling by PDGF M522 Genes involved in Cell-Cell communication M529 Genes involved in Meiosis members M8821 DNM2,ITGB1,NCAM1,TRPC6,COL6A2,CACNA1I,AGRN,ARHGEF11,ABL1,PAK7 M509 DNM2,ITGB1,NCAM1,TRPC6,COL6A2,CACNA1I,AGRN,ARHGEF11,CTNNB1,ABL1,PAK7 M7169 NCAM1,COL6A2,CACNA1I,AGRN M11187 NCAM1,COL6A2,CACNA1I,AGRN M501 VAV1,ARHGEF11,FAM13A,ARHGAP17,ARAP2 M508 STAT1,PTEN,VAV1 M872 DNM2,ITGB1,NCAM1 M2049 STAT1,PTEN,COL6A2 M522 ITGB1,CTNNB1,MAGI2 M529 BRCA2,RAD50,SMC1B
    ## uisng BIOCARTA eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MsigdbC2BIOCARTA", min.overlap=2)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:07 First, load the ontology MsigdbC2BIOCARTA and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:07) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egMsigdbC2BIOCARTA' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:08) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:08) ... There are 214 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:08) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:08 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE)
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp M10628 BIOCARTA_ATM_PATHWAY 20 3 5.51 7.6e-05 0.00070 M9703 BIOCARTA_ATRBRCA_PATHWAY 21 3 5.35 9.3e-05 0.00070 M16334 BIOCARTA_EPHA4_PATHWAY 10 2 5.29 1.9e-04 0.00097 M4956 BIOCARTA_MONOCYTE_PATHWAY 11 2 5.02 2.6e-04 0.00099 M6220 BIOCARTA_AGR_PATHWAY 36 3 3.83 8.2e-04 0.00240 M11358 BIOCARTA_ARF_PATHWAY 17 2 3.88 1.0e-03 0.00260 M10145 BIOCARTA_PTEN_PATHWAY 18 2 3.74 1.2e-03 0.00270 M16355 BIOCARTA_NKCELLS_PATHWAY 20 2 3.50 1.7e-03 0.00320 M15926 BIOCARTA_TFF_PATHWAY 21 2 3.39 2.0e-03 0.00330 M3873 BIOCARTA_CHEMICAL_PATHWAY 22 2 3.29 2.3e-03 0.00340 namespace distance M10628 C2 ATM Signaling Pathway M9703 C2 Role of BRCA1, BRCA2 and ATR in Cancer Susceptibility M16334 C2 Eph Kinases and ephrins support platelet aggregation M4956 C2 Monocyte and its Surface Molecules M6220 C2 Agrin in Postsynaptic Differentiation M11358 C2 Tumor Suppressor Arf Inhibits Ribosomal Biogenesis M10145 C2 PTEN dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis M16355 C2 Ras-Independent pathway in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity M15926 C2 Trefoil Factors Initiate Mucosal Healing M3873 C2 Apoptotic Signaling in Response to DNA Damage members M10628 TP53,ABL1,RAD50 M9703 TP53,RAD50,BRCA2 M16334 ITGB1,EPHB1 M4956 ITGB1,ITGAM M6220 ITGB1,UTRN,PAK7 M11358 TP53,ABL1 M10145 ITGB1,PTEN M16355 ITGB1,VAV1 M15926 ITGB1,CTNNB1 M3873 TP53,STAT1
    # SCOP superfamily domain enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="SF")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:08 First, load the ontology SF and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:08) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egSF' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:09) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:09) ... There are 328 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:09) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:10 Runtime in total is: 2 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE)
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp 47769 SAM/Pointed domain 115 4 6.15 2.6e-05 0.00012 55550 SH2 domain 112 4 6.25 2.3e-05 0.00012 56112 Protein kinase-like (PK-like) 526 8 5.11 2.5e-05 0.00012 57184 Growth factor receptor domain 127 4 5.79 4.2e-05 0.00015 49785 Galactose-binding domain-like 75 3 5.77 8.1e-05 0.00021 50156 PDZ domain-like 149 4 5.25 9.0e-05 0.00021 48350 GTPase activation domain, GAP 90 3 5.19 1.7e-04 0.00032 53300 vWA-like 95 3 5.02 2.0e-04 0.00032 57196 EGF/Laminin 174 4 4.76 1.9e-04 0.00032 49265 Fibronectin type III 200 4 4.34 3.6e-04 0.00050 namespace distance members 47769 sf a.60.1 EPHA1,EPHA3,EPHB1,ARAP2 55550 sf d.93.1 VAV1,STAT1,ABL1,BTK 56112 sf d.144.1 EPHA1,EPHA3,EPHB1,ABL1,BTK,MAST1,TNIK,PAK7 57184 sf g.3.9 EPHA1,EPHA3,EPHB1,FAT4 49785 sf b.18.1 EPHA1,EPHA3,EPHB1 50156 sf b.36.1 ARHGEF11,TJP1,MAGI2,MAST1 48350 sf a.116.1 ARAP2,FAM13A,ARHGAP17 53300 sf c.62.1 COL6A2,ITGAM,ITGB1 57196 sf g.3.11 HSPG2,FAT4,AGRN,ITGB1 49265 sf b.1.2 EPHA1,EPHA3,EPHB1,NCAM1
    # DGIdb druggable gene category enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="DGIdb", sizeRange=c(10,5000), min.overlap=2)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:10 First, load the ontology DGIdb and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:10) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egDGIdb' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:10) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:10) ... There are 36 terms being used, each restricted within [10,5000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:10) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:10 Runtime in total is: 0 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=F)
    name nAnno Clinically actionable Clinically actionable 237 Tyrosine kinase Tyrosine kinase 151 Dna repair Dna repair 385 Histone modification Histone modification 249 Transcription factor binding Transcription factor binding 403 Tumor suppressor Tumor suppressor 716 Kinase Kinase 823 Transcription factor complex Transcription factor complex 282 External side of plasma membrane External side of plasma membrane 189 Drug resistance Drug resistance 349 nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp Clinically actionable 12 11.30 2.1e-12 3.1e-11 Tyrosine kinase 5 5.60 2.8e-05 2.1e-04 Dna repair 7 4.41 1.2e-04 5.9e-04 Histone modification 5 3.99 4.5e-04 1.7e-03 Transcription factor binding 6 3.46 1.0e-03 3.0e-03 Tumor suppressor 8 3.09 1.7e-03 4.3e-03 Kinase 8 2.66 4.5e-03 9.7e-03 Transcription factor complex 3 1.73 2.8e-02 5.2e-02 External side of plasma membrane 2 1.40 4.2e-02 7.1e-02 Drug resistance 3 1.33 5.4e-02 8.1e-02
    # TFBS enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MsigdbC3TFT")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:11 First, load the ontology MsigdbC3TFT and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:11) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egMsigdbC3TFT' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:11) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:11) ... There are 597 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:12) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:13 Runtime in total is: 2 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=F)
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp M15623 V$SOX5_01 265 5 4.81 1.2e-04 0.0016 M6517 AAAYWAACM_V$HFH4_01 254 5 4.94 9.2e-05 0.0016 M12520 V$SOX9_B1 237 4 3.97 6.3e-04 0.0059 M19808 V$RORA2_01 150 3 3.85 9.8e-04 0.0069 M14141 V$NRF2_Q4 255 3 2.61 6.7e-03 0.0150 M17117 V$E2F_Q3_01 235 3 2.78 5.0e-03 0.0150 M17588 V$RFX1_01 256 3 2.60 6.8e-03 0.0150 M18461 V$ARNT_01 260 3 2.56 7.1e-03 0.0150 M2315 V$NFKAPPAB65_01 237 3 2.77 5.2e-03 0.0150 M4468 V$FOXM1_01 246 3 2.68 5.9e-03 0.0150
    # miRNA target enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data=V(net)$name, identity="symbol", genome="Hs", ontology="MsigdbC3MIR")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:13 First, load the ontology MsigdbC3MIR and its gene associations in the genome Hs (2015-07-21 17:23:13) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Hs.egMsigdbC3MIR' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:23:13) ... Among 44 symbols of input data, there are 44 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:23:13) ... There are 212 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:23:14) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:23:14 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, sortBy="adjp", details=F)
    name nAnno M10873 ATACCTC,MIR-202 179 M17260 ATGTACA,MIR-493 314 M19058 ATACTGT,MIR-144 199 M4317 CTCTGGA,MIR-520A,MIR-525 158 M698 CACTTTG,MIR-520G,MIR-520H 237 M9559 GTGCCAT,MIR-183 175 M13700 AAAGGGA,MIR-204,MIR-211 224 M10705 TGCACTT,MIR-519C,MIR-519B,MIR-519A 448 M14709 TGTTTAC,MIR-30A-5P,MIR-30C,MIR-30D,MIR-30B,MIR-30E-5P 579 M18759 GCACTTT,MIR-17-5P,MIR-20A,MIR-106A,MIR-106B,MIR-20B,MIR-519D 595 nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp M10873 3 2.58 0.0069 0.029 M17260 4 2.33 0.0100 0.029 M19058 3 2.35 0.0099 0.029 M4317 3 2.85 0.0044 0.029 M698 4 3.01 0.0031 0.029 M9559 3 2.63 0.0064 0.029 M13700 3 2.11 0.0150 0.036 M10705 4 1.54 0.0410 0.069 M14709 5 1.66 0.0340 0.069 M18759 5 1.59 0.0390 0.069