is supposed to produce a subgraph induced by given
vertices and its k nearest neighbors. The input is a graph of "igraph"
or "graphNET" object, a list of the vertices of the graph, and a k
value for finding k nearest neighbors for these vertices. The output is
a subgraph induced by given vertices plus their k neighbours. The
resultant subgraph inherits the class from the input one. The induced
subgraph contains exactly the vertices of interest, and all the edges
between them.
dNetInduce(g, nodes_query, knn = 0, remove.loops = F, largest.comp = T, min.comp.size = 1)
: an induced subgraph, an object of class "igraph" or
"graphNEL". Appended with a node attribute 'comp' if multiple
components are kept
The given vertices plus their k nearest neighbors will be used to induce the subgraph.
# 1) generate a random graph according to the ER model g <- erdos.renyi.game(100, 1/100) # 2) select the first 10 vertices as the query nodes nodes_query <- V(g)[1:10] # 3) produce the induced subgraph only based on the nodes in query subg <- dNetInduce(g, nodes_query, knn=0) # 4) produce the induced subgraph based on the nodes in query ane their immediate neighbours subg <- dNetInduce(g, nodes_query, knn=1)