is supposed to visualise a graph object of class
"igraph" via circle diagram. For better visualisation, ordering of
vertices is determined according to communities and degrees.
visNetCircle(g, com, circles = c("single", "multiple"), newpage = T, ordering = NULL,
colormap = c("rainbow", "bwr", "jet", "gbr", "wyr", "br", "yr", "wb"), vertex.label = V(g)$name,
vertex.size = log(igraph::degree(g)) + 2, vertex.label.color = "black", vertex.label.cex = 0.6,
vertex.label.dist = 0.75, vertex.shape = "sphere", edge.width = 1, edge.lty = 1,
edge.color.within = "grey", edge.color.crossing = "black", mark.shape = 1, mark.expand = 10,
- g
- an object of class "igraph"
- com
- an object of class "communities" (see
- circles
- how circles are drawn in the plot. It can be either
"single" for all communities being drawn in a single circle (by
default) or "multiple" for communities being drawn in the different
circles (i.e. one circle per community)
- newpage
- logical to indicate whether to open a new page. By
default, it sets to true for opening a new page
- ordering
- a numeric vector about the ordering of vertices. It is
optional. It is highly recommend to order vertices according to
communities and degrees
- colormap
- short name for the colormap. It can be one of "jet"
(jet colormap), "bwr" (blue-white-red colormap), "gbr" (green-black-red
colormap), "wyr" (white-yellow-red colormap), "br" (black-red
colormap), "yr" (yellow-red colormap), "wb" (white-black colormap), and
"rainbow" (rainbow colormap, that is,
red-yellow-green-cyan-blue-magenta). Alternatively, any
hyphen-separated HTML color names, e.g. "blue-black-yellow",
"royalblue-white-sandybrown", "darkgreen-white-darkviolet". A list of
standard color names can be found in
- vertex.label
- the label of the vertices. The default vertex
labels are the name attribute of the nodes
- vertex.size
- the size of each vertex. By default, it is decided
according to node degrees
- vertex.label.color
- the color of vertex labels
- vertex.label.cex
- the font size of vertex labels
- vertex.label.dist
- the distance of the label from the center of
the vertex. If it is 0 then the label is centered on the vertex. If it
is 1 then the label is displayed beside the vertex.
- vertex.shape
- the shape of each vertex. It can be one of
"circle", "square", "csquare", "rectangle", "crectangle", "vrectangle",
"pie" (, "sphere",
and "none". If it sets to NULL, these vertices with negative will be
"csquare" and the rest "circle".
- edge.width
- line width for the edges (default 1)
- edge.lty
- line type for the edges (default 1)
- edge.color.within
- the color for edges within a community
(default "grey")
- edge.color.crossing
- the color for edges between communities
(default "black")
- mark.shape
- a numeric scalar or vector controlling the smoothness
of the vertex group marking polygons. Its possible values are between
-1 (fully polygons) and 1 (fully smoothness)
- mark.expand
- a numeric scalar or vector, the size of the border
around the marked vertex groups
- ...
- additional graphic parameters. See for the complete list.
# 1) generate a random graph according to the ER model
g <-, 1/80)
# 2) produce the induced subgraph only based on the nodes in query
g <- dNetInduce(g, V(g), knn=0)
# 3) color nodes according to communities identified via a spin-glass model and simulated annealing
com <-, spins=4)
vgroups <- com$membership <- visColormap(colormap="rainbow")
mcolors <-
vcolors <- mcolors[vgroups]
# 4) size nodes according to degrees
vdegrees <- igraph::degree(g)
# 5) sort nodes: first by communities and then degrees
tmp <- data.frame(ind=1:vcount(g), vgroups, vdegrees)
ordering <- tmp[order(vgroups,vdegrees),]$ind
# 6) visualise graph using circle diagram
# 6a) drawn into a single circle
visNetCircle(g=g, colormap="bwr", com=com, ordering=ordering)
# 6b) drawn into multlpe circles (one circle per community)
visNetCircle(g=g, colormap="bwr", com=com, circles="multiple",
# 7) as comparison, also visualise graph on 2-dimensional layout
mark.groups <- communities(com)
mark.col <- visColoralpha(mcolors, alpha=0.2)
mark.border <- visColoralpha(mcolors, alpha=0.2)
edge.color <- c("grey", "black")[crossing(com,g)+1]
visNet(g, colormap="bwr", glayout=layout.fruchterman.reingold,
vertex.frame.color=vcolors, vertex.shape="sphere",
mark.groups=mark.groups, mark.col=mark.col,
mark.border=mark.border, mark.shape=1, mark.expand=10,