Demo for multilayer replication timing dataset

  • All results are based on dnet (version 1.0.7).
  • R scripts (i.e. R expressions) plus necessary comments are highlighted in light cyan, and the rest are outputs in the screen.
  • Images displayed below may be distorted, but should be normal in your screen.
  • Functions contained in dnet 1.0.7 are hyperlinked in-place and also listed on the right side.
    # This is a demo for multilayer replication timing dataset from Hiratani et al # # This multilay omics dataset (available from involves genome-wide replication-timing profiles of 22 cell lines from early mouse embryogenesis. These cell lines can be categorised into: 1) pluripotent cells, including ESCs (ESC_46C, ESC_D3 and ESC_TT2) and iPSCs (iPSC, iPSC_1D4 and iPSC_2D4); 2) partially-reprogrammed iPSCs (piPSC_1A2, piPSC_1B3 and piPSC_V3); 3) early epiblast (EPL and EMB3_D3); 4) late epiblast (EpiSC5 and EpiSC7); 5) Ectoderm (EBM6_D3, EBM9_D3, NPC_46C and NPC_TT2); 6) Mesoderm and Endoderm; and 7) late Mesoderm (Myoblast, MEF_female and MEF_male). # # The dataset is extracted for RefSeq gene TSS locations, including: ## RT: a replication timing matrix of 17,292 genes X 22 samples; ## CpG: a matrix of 17,292 genes X 1 containing gene additional information on promoter CpG classification (see, with '1' for HCP (high CpG density promoters), '-1' for LCP (low CpG density promoters), '0' for ICP (intermediate CpG density promoters), and 'NA' for unclassified; ## EX: an expression matrix of 17,292 genes X 8 samples, and samples include pluripotent cells (ESC_D3); early epiblast (EMB3_D3); late epiblast (EpiSC7); Ectoderm (EBM6_D3 and EBM9_D3); Mesoderm and Endoderm. ############################################################################### # Load this multilayer dataset load(url("")) ls() # you should see three variables: 'RT', 'CpG' and 'EX'
    [1] "CpG" "EX" "RT"
    # Load the package 'dnet' library(dnet) # Load or/and install packages "Biobase" and "limma" that are specifically used in this demo for(pkg in c("Biobase","limma")){ if(!require(pkg, character.only=T)){ source("") biocLite(pkg) lapply(pkg, library, character.only=T) } } # Here, we are interested to analyse replication timing data and their difference between different sample groups # To this end, it is better to create the 'eset' object including sample grouping indication information group <- c(rep("ESC",3), rep("iPSC",3), rep("eEpiblast",2), rep("lEpiblast",2), rep("Ectoderm",4), rep("Mesoderm",1), rep("Endoderm",1), rep("piPSC",3), rep("Myoblast",3)) pdata <- data.frame(group=group, row.names=colnames(RT)) esetGene <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=as.matrix(RT), phenoData=as(pdata,"AnnotatedDataFrame")) esetGene
    ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment) assayData: 17292 features, 22 samples element names: exprs protocolData: none phenoData sampleNames: ESC_46C ESC_D3 ... Myoblast (22 total) varLabels: group varMetadata: labelDescription featureData: none experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)' Annotation:
    # Look at the samples and their groups belonging to pData(esetGene)
    group ESC_46C ESC ESC_D3 ESC ESC_TT2 ESC iPSC iPSC iPSC_1D4 iPSC iPSC_2D4 iPSC EPL eEpiblast EBM3_D3 eEpiblast EpiSC5 lEpiblast EpiSC7 lEpiblast EBM6_D3 Ectoderm NPC_46C Ectoderm NPC_TT2 Ectoderm EBM9_D3 Ectoderm Mesoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Endoderm piPSC_1A2 piPSC piPSC_1B3 piPSC piPSC_V3 piPSC MEF_female Myoblast MEF_male Myoblast Myoblast Myoblast
    # Now, load the gene network in mouse # As part of dnet package, this network has been prepared and stored as an igraph object # The network is extracted from the STRING database (version 10). Only those associations with medium confidence (score>=400) are retained. org.Mm.string <- dRDataLoader(RData='org.Mm.string')
    'org.Mm.string' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    IGRAPH UN-- 19361 896962 -- + attr: name (v/c), seqid (v/c), geneid (v/n), symbol (v/c), | description (v/c), neighborhood_score (e/n), fusion_score (e/n), | cooccurence_score (e/n), coexpression_score (e/n), experimental_score | (e/n), database_score (e/n), textmining_score (e/n), combined_score | (e/n) + edges (vertex names): [1] 8744755--8747520 8747520--8755454 8739140--8755423 8755589--8757392 [5] 8750519--8755589 8749377--8756682 8739654--8752586 8738750--8757113 [9] 8743582--8751281 8751281--8754203 8738814--8747960 8736800--8750299 [13] 8736177--8736800 8736800--8752432 8736800--8756583 8735507--8743694 + ... omitted several edges
    # Look at the first 5 node information (gene symbols) V(org.Mm.string)$symbol[1:5]
    [1] "Enpp5" "Gabrb2" "Gm13212" "Tarsl2" "Fam134b"
    # Focus on the part of 'org.Mm.string' that only contains genes in 'esetGene' ind <- match(V(org.Mm.string)$symbol, rownames(esetGene)) ## this part of 'org.Mm.string' is called 'network' nodes_mapped <- V(org.Mm.string)$name[!] network <- dNetInduce(g=org.Mm.string, nodes_query=nodes_mapped, knn=0, remove.loops=T, largest.comp=T) V(network)$name <- V(network)$symbol network
    IGRAPH UN-- 13793 651354 -- + attr: name (v/c), seqid (v/c), geneid (v/n), symbol (v/c), | description (v/c) + edges (vertex names): [1] Enpp5 --Car5a Enpp5 --Car5b Enpp5 --Cdc5l Gabrb2--Fxyd3 [5] Gabrb2--Ube3a Gabrb2--Clcn1 Gabrb2--Gabrr2 Gabrb2--Gabrg1 [9] Gabrb2--Clcnkb Gabrb2--Clcnka Gabrb2--Grm3 Gabrb2--Ttyh2 [13] Gabrb2--Slc32a1 Gabrb2--Clic6 Gabrb2--Gabrp Gabrb2--Gabrd [17] Gabrb2--Glra1 Gabrb2--Glrb Gabrb2--Gabbr1 Gabrb2--Gabra1 [21] Gabrb2--Gabrr1 Gabrb2--Gabrb1 Gabrb2--Gabarapl1 Gabrb2--Nsf [25] Gabrb2--Slc26a6 Gabrb2--Gabrg2 Gabrb2--Gad1 Gabrb2--Gabra3 + ... omitted several edges
    # Identification of gene-active subnetwork # 1) obtain the information associated with nodes/genes, such as the p-value significance as node information # Here, we use the package 'limma' to identify differential Replication timing ## define the design matrix in an order manner all <- as.vector(pData(esetGene)$group) level <- levels(factor(all)) index_level <- sapply(level, function(x) which(all==x)[1]) level_sorted <- all[sort(index_level, decreasing=F)] design <- sapply(level_sorted, function(x) as.numeric(all==x)) # Convert a factor column to multiple boolean columns design
    ESC iPSC eEpiblast lEpiblast Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm piPSC Myoblast [1,] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [2,] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [3,] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [4,] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [5,] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [6,] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [7,] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 [8,] 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 [9,] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 [10,] 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 [11,] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 [12,] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 [13,] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 [14,] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 [15,] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 [16,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 [17,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 [18,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 [19,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 [20,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 [21,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 [22,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
    ## define a contrast matrix: the pairwise comparisons of sample groups contrasts <- dContrast(level_sorted, contrast.type="pairwise") contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts=contrasts$each, levels=design) colnames(contrast.matrix) <- contrasts$name colnames(contrast.matrix)
    [1] "iPSC_ESC" "eEpiblast_ESC" "lEpiblast_ESC" [4] "Ectoderm_ESC" "Mesoderm_ESC" "Endoderm_ESC" [7] "piPSC_ESC" "Myoblast_ESC" "eEpiblast_iPSC" [10] "lEpiblast_iPSC" "Ectoderm_iPSC" "Mesoderm_iPSC" [13] "Endoderm_iPSC" "piPSC_iPSC" "Myoblast_iPSC" [16] "lEpiblast_eEpiblast" "Ectoderm_eEpiblast" "Mesoderm_eEpiblast" [19] "Endoderm_eEpiblast" "piPSC_eEpiblast" "Myoblast_eEpiblast" [22] "Ectoderm_lEpiblast" "Mesoderm_lEpiblast" "Endoderm_lEpiblast" [25] "piPSC_lEpiblast" "Myoblast_lEpiblast" "Mesoderm_Ectoderm" [28] "Endoderm_Ectoderm" "piPSC_Ectoderm" "Myoblast_Ectoderm" [31] "Endoderm_Mesoderm" "piPSC_Mesoderm" "Myoblast_Mesoderm" [34] "piPSC_Endoderm" "Myoblast_Endoderm" "Myoblast_piPSC"
    ## a linear model is fitted for every gene by the function lmFit fit <- lmFit(exprs(esetGene), design) ## computes moderated t-statistics and log-odds of differential expression by empirical Bayes shrinkage of the standard errors towards a common value fit2 <-, contrast.matrix) fit2 <- eBayes(fit2) ## for p-value pvals <- as.matrix(fit2$p.value) ## for adjusted p-value adjpvals <- sapply(1:ncol(pvals),function(x) { p.adjust(pvals[,x], method="BH") }) colnames(adjpvals) <- colnames(pvals) ## num of differentially expressed genes apply(adjpvals<1e-2, 2, sum)
    iPSC_ESC eEpiblast_ESC lEpiblast_ESC Ectoderm_ESC 0 102 1134 2120 Mesoderm_ESC Endoderm_ESC piPSC_ESC Myoblast_ESC 1050 959 2612 4171 eEpiblast_iPSC lEpiblast_iPSC Ectoderm_iPSC Mesoderm_iPSC 116 1224 2660 1147 Endoderm_iPSC piPSC_iPSC Myoblast_iPSC lEpiblast_eEpiblast 1167 2527 4862 91 Ectoderm_eEpiblast Mesoderm_eEpiblast Endoderm_eEpiblast piPSC_eEpiblast 563 95 106 1340 Myoblast_eEpiblast Ectoderm_lEpiblast Mesoderm_lEpiblast Endoderm_lEpiblast 2858 112 188 254 piPSC_lEpiblast Myoblast_lEpiblast Mesoderm_Ectoderm Endoderm_Ectoderm 1119 2736 118 346 piPSC_Ectoderm Myoblast_Ectoderm Endoderm_Mesoderm piPSC_Mesoderm 2373 2929 3 970 Myoblast_Mesoderm piPSC_Endoderm Myoblast_Endoderm Myoblast_piPSC 1362 1146 1773 2986
    ## only for the comparisons of piPSC against iPSC my_contrast <- "piPSC_iPSC" ## get the p-values and calculate the scores thereupon pval <- pvals[,my_contrast] ## look at the distribution of p-values hist(pval)
    # 2) identification of gene-active subnetwork ## restrict the identified subnetwork to have the node size of 40 or so #g <- dNetPipeline(g=network, pval=pval, nsize=40) ## corresponding to fdr=5.50e-07 g <- dNetPipeline(g=network, pval=pval, significance.threshold=5.50e-07)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:23:55 First, fit the input p-value distribution under beta-uniform mixture model... A total of p-values: 17292 Maximum Log-Likelihood: 17957.4 Mixture parameter (lambda): 0.412 Shape parameter (a): 0.218 Second, determine the significance threshold... significance threshold: 5.50e-07 Third, calculate the scores according to the fitted BUM and FDR threshold (if any)... Amongst 17292 scores, there are 188 positives. Finally, find the subgraph from the input graph with 13793 nodes and 651354 edges... Size of the subgraph: 61 nodes and 79 edges Finish at 2015-07-21 17:26:18 Runtime in total is: 143 secs
    IGRAPH UN-- 61 79 -- + attr: name (v/c), seqid (v/c), geneid (v/n), symbol (v/c), | description (v/c), score (v/n) + edges (vertex names): [1] Cckar --Gng2 Cckar --Plcb1 Cckar --Prok2 [4] 2410141K09Rik--Ranbp2 3300002I08Rik--Ranbp2 Gng2 --Plcb1 [7] Gng2 --Prok2 Gng2 --Frk Gng2 --Cxcl5 [10] Gng2 --Grik3 Zfp369 --Ranbp2 Phf20l1 --Ranbp2 [13] Zfp748 --Ranbp2 Rasl2-9 --Ranbp2 Rasl2-9 --Nxf3 [16] 2610305D13Rik--Ranbp2 Zfp715 --Ranbp2 Napg --Bcl2 [19] Zfp120 --Ranbp2 Rsl1 --Ranbp2 Rab17 --Vps4b + ... omitted several edges
    # 3) visualisation of the gene-active subnetwork itself ## the layout of the network visualisation (fixed in different visuals) glayout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g) ## color nodes according to communities (identified via a spin-glass model and simulated annealing) com <-, spins=25) com$csize <- sapply(1:length(com),function(x) sum(com$membership==x)) vgroups <- com$membership colormap <- "yellow-darkorange" <- visColormap(colormap=colormap) mcolors <- vcolors <- mcolors[vgroups] com$significance <- dCommSignif(g, com) ## node sizes according to degrees vdegrees <- igraph::degree(g) ## highlight different communities mark.groups <- communities(com) mark.col <- visColoralpha(mcolors, alpha=0.2) mark.border <- visColoralpha(mcolors, alpha=0.2) edge.color <- c("grey", "black")[crossing(com,g)+1] ## visualise the subnetwrok visNet(g, glayout=glayout, vertex.label=V(g)$geneSymbol, vertex.color=vcolors, vertex.frame.color=vcolors, vertex.shape="sphere", mark.groups=mark.groups, mark.col=mark.col, mark.border=mark.border, mark.shape=1, mark.expand=10, edge.color=edge.color)
    # 4) visualisation of the gene-active subnetwork overlaid by the node/gene score max_colorbar <- ceiling(quantile(abs(V(g)$score),0.75)) visNet(g, glayout=glayout, pattern=V(g)$score, zlim=c(-1*max_colorbar,max_colorbar), vertex.shape="circle")
    # 5) visualisation of the gene-active subnetwork overlaid by the differential replication timing colormap <- "darkgreen-lightgreen-lightpink-darkred" logFC <- fit2$coefficients[V(g)$name,my_contrast] visNet(g, glayout=glayout, pattern=logFC, colormap=colormap, vertex.shape="circle")
    # 6) Network-based sample classifications and visualisations on 2D sample landscape # it uses the gene-active subnetwork overlaid by all replication timing data data <- exprs(esetGene)[V(g)$name,] sReorder <- dNetReorder(g, data, feature="edge", node.normalise="degree", amplifier=3, metric="none")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:26:30 First, define topology of a map grid (2015-07-21 17:26:30)... Second, initialise the codebook matrix (81 X 79) using 'linear' initialisation, given a topology and input data (2015-07-21 17:26:30)... Third, get training at the rough stage (2015-07-21 17:26:30)... 1 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:30) 82 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:30) 164 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:30) 246 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:30) 328 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:30) 410 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:31) 492 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:31) 574 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:31) 656 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:31) 738 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:32) 814 out of 814 (2015-07-21 17:26:32) Fourth, get training at the finetune stage (2015-07-21 17:26:32)... 1 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:32) 326 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:33) 652 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:33) 978 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:33) 1304 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:33) 1630 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:34) 1956 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:34) 2282 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:34) 2608 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:34) 2934 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:35) 3256 out of 3256 (2015-07-21 17:26:35) Next, identify the best-matching hexagon/rectangle for the input data (2015-07-21 17:26:35)... Finally, append the response data (hits and mqe) into the sMap object (2015-07-21 17:26:35)... Below are the summaries of the training results: dimension of input data: 22x79 xy-dimension of map grid: xdim=9, ydim=9 grid lattice: rect grid shape: sheet dimension of grid coord: 81x2 initialisation method: linear dimension of codebook matrix: 81x79 mean quantization error: 1.24429249165534 Below are the details of trainology: training algorithm: sequential alpha type: invert training neighborhood kernel: gaussian trainlength (x input data length): 37 at rough stage; 148 at finetune stage radius (at rough stage): from 2 to 1 radius (at finetune stage): from 1 to 1 End at 2015-07-21 17:26:35 Runtime in total is: 5 secs
    visNetReorder(g=g, data=data, sReorder=sReorder, height=ceiling(sqrt(ncol(data)))*2, newpage=T, glayout=glayout, colormap=colormap, vertex.label=NA,vertex.shape="sphere", vertex.size=16,mtext.cex=0.4,border.color="888888")
    # 7) heatmap of replication timing data in the subnetwork visHeatmapAdv(data, colormap=colormap, KeyValueName="log2(Early/Late)")
    # 8) output the subnetwork and their replication timing data ## Write the subnetwork into a SIF-formatted file (Simple Interaction File) sif <- data.frame(source=get.edgelist(g)[,1], type="interaction", target=get.edgelist(g)[,2]) write.table(sif, file=paste(my_contrast,".sif", sep=""), quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=F,sep="\t") ## Output the corresponding replication timing data hmap <- data.frame(Symbol=rownames(data), data) write.table(hmap, file=paste(my_contrast,".txt", sep=""), quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") # 9) enrichment analysis for genes in the subnetwork ## get a list of genes in the subnetwork data <- V(g)$name data
    [1] "Cckar" "2410141K09Rik" "3300002I08Rik" "Gng2" [5] "Zfp369" "Phf20l1" "Zfp748" "Rasl2-9" [9] "2610305D13Rik" "Zfp715" "Napg" "Zfp120" [13] "Rsl1" "Rab17" "Bcl2" "Ibsp" [17] "Taf7" "Atoh1" "Lrrc28" "Mepe" [21] "Cat" "Uba52" "Atg3" "Serpinb5" [25] "Plcb1" "Prok2" "Zfp456" "Rb1" [29] "Klf7" "Rex2" "Frk" "Mpp1" [33] "Cxcl15" "Itpr2" "Olig3" "Zfp459" [37] "Ranbp2" "Nxf3" "Perp" "Sox2" [41] "Cxcl5" "Zfp455" "AW146154" "Klf4" [45] "Zfp329" "Spp1" "Vps4b" "Zfp97" [49] "Abcg2" "Notch2" "Tnni3k" "Tbx3" [53] "Cd44" "Ptpre" "Zfp458" "Gucy2c" [57] "Ehf" "Klf8" "Zfp42" "Zfp457" [61] "Grik3"
    ## 9a) GOBP enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data, identity="symbol", genome="Mm", ontology="GOBP")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:28:17 First, load the ontology GOBP and its gene associations in the genome Mm (2015-07-21 17:28:17) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Mm.egGOBP' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:28:18) ... Among 61 symbols of input data, there are 61 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:28:18) ... There are 2130 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:28:21) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:28:23 Runtime in total is: 6 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_GOBP.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_GOBP.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the GOBP heirarchy ## first, load the GOBP ontology ig.GOBP <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.GOBP')
    'ig.GOBP' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.GOBP ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name GO:0042127 regulation of cell proliferation GO:0001649 osteoblast differentiation GO:0021987 cerebral cortex development GO:0010033 response to organic substance GO:0051726 regulation of cell cycle GO:0000122 negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter GO:0006357 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter GO:0019827 stem cell maintenance GO:0043066 negative regulation of apoptotic process GO:0045892 negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp namespace distance GO:0042127 199 6 7.15 1.6e-06 5.0e-05 Process 5 GO:0001649 93 4 7.17 7.3e-06 9.9e-05 Process 5 GO:0021987 46 3 7.82 9.6e-06 9.9e-05 Process 4 GO:0010033 52 3 7.32 1.6e-05 1.2e-04 Process 4 GO:0051726 114 4 6.37 2.0e-05 1.2e-04 Process 5 GO:0000122 702 9 4.97 2.7e-05 1.4e-04 Process 12 GO:0006357 445 7 5.07 3.9e-05 1.6e-04 Process 11 GO:0019827 67 3 6.35 4.3e-05 1.6e-04 Process 4 GO:0043066 462 7 4.94 5.0e-05 1.6e-04 Process 8 GO:0045892 464 7 4.92 5.2e-05 1.6e-04 Process 8 members GO:0042127 Klf4,Tbx3,Cxcl5,Cxcl15,Gucy2c,Frk GO:0001649 Sox2,Cat,Ibsp,Spp1 GO:0021987 Plcb1,Sox2,Atoh1 GO:0010033 Klf4,Sox2,Spp1 GO:0051726 Rb1,Plcb1,Bcl2,Zfp369 GO:0000122 Rb1,Klf4,Notch2,Sox2,Tbx3,Taf7,Olig3,Zfp748,Rsl1 GO:0006357 Rb1,Klf4,Notch2,Sox2,Taf7,Ehf,Zfp369 GO:0019827 Klf4,Sox2,Tbx3 GO:0043066 Tbx3,Bcl2,Cat,Spp1,Prok2,Cd44,Atoh1 GO:0045892 Rb1,Plcb1,Klf4,Tbx3,Taf7,Rsl1,Zfp457
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) names(nodes.highlight) <- nodes_query ## induce the shortest paths (one for each significant term) to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query, path.mode="shortest_paths") ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"both", node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    ## 9b) GOMF enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data, identity="symbol", genome="Mm", ontology="GOMF")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:29:11 First, load the ontology GOMF and its gene associations in the genome Mm (2015-07-21 17:29:11) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Mm.egGOMF' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:29:11) ... Among 61 symbols of input data, there are 61 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:29:11) ... There are 1036 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:29:11) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:29:11 Runtime in total is: 0 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_GOMF.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_GOMF.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the GOMF heirarchy ## first, load the GOMF ontology ig.GOMF <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.GOMF')
    'ig.GOMF' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.GOMF ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name GO:0043565 sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0003700 sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity GO:0008134 transcription factor binding GO:0003676 nucleic acid binding GO:0019899 enzyme binding GO:0001077 RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcription GO:0000981 sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity GO:0046983 protein dimerization activity GO:0044212 transcription regulatory region DNA binding GO:0003924 GTPase activity nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp namespace distance GO:0043565 564 8 4.48 0.00010 0.0019 Function 6 GO:0003700 791 9 3.96 0.00027 0.0026 Function 3 GO:0008134 319 5 3.80 0.00071 0.0045 Function 4 GO:0003676 774 8 3.40 0.00110 0.0046 Function 4 GO:0019899 353 5 3.51 0.00120 0.0046 Function 4 GO:0001077 248 4 3.46 0.00150 0.0048 Function 6 GO:0000981 159 3 3.36 0.00210 0.0056 Function 4 GO:0046983 181 3 3.05 0.00330 0.0079 Function 4 GO:0044212 199 3 2.84 0.00470 0.0098 Function 7 GO:0003924 211 3 2.71 0.00570 0.0099 Function 8 members GO:0043565 Klf4,Sox2,Atoh1,Ehf,Tbx3,Zfp369,Zfp42,Rsl1 GO:0003700 Klf4,Sox2,Ehf,Tbx3,Zfp369,Klf7,Taf7,Zfp457,Rex2 GO:0008134 Klf4,Sox2,Rb1,Bcl2,Taf7 GO:0003676 Klf4,Zfp369,Zfp42,Zfp329,Klf7,Zfp120,Zfp458,Klf8 GO:0019899 Rb1,Plcb1,Cat,Notch2,Atg3 GO:0001077 Klf4,Sox2,Atoh1,Ehf GO:0000981 Sox2,Ehf,Zfp369 GO:0046983 Atoh1,Olig3,Abcg2 GO:0044212 Klf4,Sox2,Taf7 GO:0003924 Gng2,Rab17,Rasl2-9
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) names(nodes.highlight) <- nodes_query ## induce the shortest paths (one for each significant term) to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query, path.mode="shortest_paths") ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"both", node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    ## 9c) MP enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data, identity="symbol", genome="Mm", ontology="MP")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:29:31 First, load the ontology MP and its gene associations in the genome Mm (2015-07-21 17:29:31) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Mm.egMP' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:29:32) ... Among 61 symbols of input data, there are 61 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:29:32) ... There are 4888 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:29:38) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:29:39 Runtime in total is: 8 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_MP.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_MP.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the MP heirarchy ## first, load the MP ontology ig.MP <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.MP')
    'ig.MP' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.MP ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name MP:0004326 abnormal vestibular hair cell number MP:0004279 abnormal rostral migratory stream morphology MP:0002623 abnormal vestibular hair cell morphology MP:0009789 decreased susceptibility to bacterial infection induced morbidity/mortality MP:0002739 abnormal olfactory bulb development MP:0002998 abnormal bone remodeling MP:0008260 abnormal autophagy MP:0009944 abnormal olfactory lobe morphology MP:0013558 abnormal exocrine gland morphology MP:0005076 abnormal cell differentiation nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp namespace distance MP:0004326 20 3 11.40 5.0e-07 0.00019 Mammalian_phenotype 8 MP:0004279 32 3 8.86 3.6e-06 0.00068 Mammalian_phenotype 9 MP:0002623 42 3 7.65 1.1e-05 0.00100 Mammalian_phenotype 5 MP:0009789 39 3 7.96 8.1e-06 0.00100 Mammalian_phenotype 7 MP:0002739 57 3 6.45 3.7e-05 0.00160 Mammalian_phenotype 5 MP:0002998 182 5 5.68 2.8e-05 0.00160 Mammalian_phenotype 3 MP:0008260 56 3 6.52 3.5e-05 0.00160 Mammalian_phenotype 3 MP:0009944 188 5 5.56 3.4e-05 0.00160 Mammalian_phenotype 6 MP:0013558 653 9 4.76 3.9e-05 0.00160 Mammalian_phenotype 3 MP:0005076 686 9 4.57 5.9e-05 0.00200 Mammalian_phenotype 3 members MP:0004326 Rb1,Atoh1,Sox2 MP:0004279 Cckar,Prok2,Olig3 MP:0002623 Rb1,Atoh1,Sox2 MP:0009789 Gucy2c,Spp1,Cxcl5 MP:0002739 Cckar,Prok2,Olig3 MP:0002998 Spp1,Ibsp,Mepe,Cd44,Ptpre MP:0008260 Bcl2,Sox2,Atg3 MP:0009944 Sox2,Klf7,Cckar,Prok2,Olig3 MP:0013558 Bcl2,Rb1,Atoh1,Sox2,Tbx3,Cd44,Itpr2,Notch2,Klf4 MP:0005076 Rb1,Sox2,Cd44,Ptpre,Klf7,Notch2,Klf4,Cckar,Olig3
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) names(nodes.highlight) <- nodes_query ## induce all possible paths to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query) ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"none","term_id","term_name","both","full_term_name")[5], layout.orientation=c("left_right","top_bottom","bottom_top","right_left")[1], node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    ## 9d) DO enrichment analysis eTerm <- dEnricher(data, identity="symbol", genome="Mm", ontology="DO")
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:29:46 First, load the ontology DO and its gene associations in the genome Mm (2015-07-21 17:29:46) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Mm.egDO' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:29:46) ... Among 61 symbols of input data, there are 61 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:29:46) ... There are 898 terms being used, each restricted within [10,1000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:29:49) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:29:49 Runtime in total is: 3 secs
    ## write into the file called 'enrichment_DO.txt' output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="adjp", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_DO.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") ## visualise the top significant terms in the DO heirarchy ## first, load the DO ontology ig.DO <- dRDataLoader(RData='ig.DO')
    'ig.DO' (from has been loaded into the working environment
    g <- ig.DO ## select the top most significant 10 terms top <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=10, details=TRUE) top
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue DOID:4440 seminoma 25 4 11.60 6.4e-08 DOID:2596 larynx cancer 77 5 7.96 9.1e-07 DOID:2600 laryngeal carcinoma 75 5 8.08 7.8e-07 DOID:2876 laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma 75 5 8.08 7.8e-07 DOID:10534 stomach cancer 91 5 7.23 2.5e-06 DOID:3717 gastric adenocarcinoma 86 5 7.47 1.8e-06 DOID:5517 stomach carcinoma 89 5 7.32 2.2e-06 DOID:8574 lichen disease 56 4 7.50 4.2e-06 DOID:9201 lichen planus 56 4 7.50 4.2e-06 DOID:0060121 integumentary system benign neoplasm 30 3 7.82 8.4e-06 adjp namespace distance members DOID:4440 8.4e-06 Disease_Ontology 5 Rb1,Sox2,Klf4,Bcl2 DOID:2596 3.0e-05 Disease_Ontology 5 Rb1,Spp1,Cd44,Bcl2,Serpinb5 DOID:2600 3.0e-05 Disease_Ontology 6 Rb1,Spp1,Cd44,Bcl2,Serpinb5 DOID:2876 3.0e-05 Disease_Ontology 7 Rb1,Spp1,Cd44,Bcl2,Serpinb5 DOID:10534 4.6e-05 Disease_Ontology 5 Spp1,Klf4,Cd44,Bcl2,Serpinb5 DOID:3717 4.6e-05 Disease_Ontology 7 Spp1,Klf4,Cd44,Bcl2,Serpinb5 DOID:5517 4.6e-05 Disease_Ontology 6 Spp1,Klf4,Cd44,Bcl2,Serpinb5 DOID:8574 6.1e-05 Disease_Ontology 4 Spp1,Cd44,Bcl2,Abcg2 DOID:9201 6.1e-05 Disease_Ontology 5 Spp1,Cd44,Bcl2,Abcg2 DOID:0060121 9.9e-05 Disease_Ontology 4 Sox2,Spp1,Notch2
    nodes_query <- rownames(top) nodes.highlight <- rep("red", length(nodes_query)) ## induce all possible shortest paths to the ontology root subg <- dDAGinduce(g, nodes_query) ## color-code terms according to the adjust p-values (taking the form of 10-based negative logarithm) visDAG(g=subg, data=-1*log10(eTerm$adjp[V(subg)$name]),"both", zlim=c(0,4), node.attrs=list(color=nodes.highlight))
    ## 9e) PS enrichment analysis ## use all common ancestors eTerm <- dEnricher(data, identity="symbol", genome="Mm", ontology="PS", sizeRange=c(10,20000), min.overlap=0)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:29:55 First, load the ontology PS and its gene associations in the genome Mm (2015-07-21 17:29:55) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Mm.egPS' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:29:55) ... Among 61 symbols of input data, there are 61 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:29:55) ... There are 27 terms being used, each restricted within [10,20000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:29:55) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:29:55 Runtime in total is: 0 secs
    output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="none", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_PS.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") output
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp namespace 10 33208:Metazoa 123 1 0.857 7.1e-02 1.7e-01 kingdom 11 33208:Metazoa 374 1 -0.288 3.8e-01 4.6e-01 kingdom 12 6072:Eumetazoa 331 0 -1.100 7.0e-01 7.2e-01 no rank 13 6072:Eumetazoa 122 2 2.390 9.3e-03 3.6e-02 no rank 14 33213:Bilateria 274 1 0.028 2.5e-01 3.8e-01 no rank 15 33213:Bilateria 120 0 -0.656 3.5e-01 4.5e-01 no rank 16 33511:Deuterostomia 590 1 -0.772 6.2e-01 6.7e-01 no rank 17 33511:Deuterostomia 92 0 -0.574 2.8e-01 3.8e-01 no rank 18 7711:Chordata 73 0 -0.511 2.3e-01 3.7e-01 phylum 19 7742:Vertebrata 104 1 1.040 5.3e-02 1.5e-01 no rank 20 117571:Euteleostomi 599 3 0.612 1.6e-01 3.1e-01 no rank 21 8287:Sarcopterygii 73 3 5.410 1.3e-04 1.2e-03 no rank 22 32523:Tetrapoda 96 1 1.130 4.6e-02 1.5e-01 no rank 23 32524:Amniota 177 4 4.290 4.0e-04 2.7e-03 no rank 24 40674:Mammalia 30 0 -0.327 1.0e-01 2.3e-01 class 25 32525:Theria 97 4 6.260 2.4e-05 3.2e-04 no rank 26 9347:Eutheria 75 0 -0.518 2.3e-01 3.7e-01 no rank 27 1437010:Boreoeutheria 62 5 10.200 8.0e-08 2.2e-06 no rank 29 314147:Glires 16 0 -0.239 5.5e-02 1.5e-01 no rank 3 2759:Eukaryota 8431 11 -5.130 1.0e+00 1.0e+00 superkingdom 4 33154:Opisthokonta 2504 10 0.408 2.7e-01 3.8e-01 no rank 5 33154:Opisthokonta 468 2 0.267 2.3e-01 3.7e-01 no rank 6 33154:Opisthokonta 139 0 -0.707 3.9e-01 4.6e-01 no rank 7 33154:Opisthokonta 176 1 0.478 1.3e-01 2.7e-01 no rank 75 10090:Mus musculus 69 2 3.560 1.9e-03 1.0e-02 species 8 33154:Opisthokonta 172 0 -0.787 4.6e-01 5.2e-01 no rank 9 33208:Metazoa 106 2 2.660 6.3e-03 2.8e-02 kingdom distance 10 0.06686750 11 0.09260898 12 0.10459007 13 0.11176118 14 0.12058364 15 0.12660301 16 0.13884801 17 0.14852778 18 0.15759842 19 0.16953129 20 0.18295445 21 0.18554672 22 0.18855901 23 0.19241034 24 0.19552877 25 0.19917128 26 0.20262687 27 0.20409224 29 0.20521882 3 0.00000000 4 0.02227541 5 0.02677301 6 0.03026936 7 0.03573534 75 0.23690599 8 0.03880849 9 0.04949159 members 10 Itpr2 11 Bcl2 12 13 Ehf,Plcb1 14 Zfp329 15 16 Gucy2c 17 18 19 Prok2 20 Cxcl15,Cxcl5,Phf20l1 21 Zfp97,Zfp715,2610305D13Rik 22 3300002I08Rik 23 Zfp748,Zfp455,Zfp457,Rex2 24 25 AW146154,Zfp120,Rsl1,Zfp456 26 27 Ranbp2,2410141K09Rik,Zfp369,Nxf3,Zfp459 29 3 Cat,Cd44,Rab17,Rasl2-9,Vps4b,Serpinb5,Uba52,Zfp42,Abcg2,Lrrc28,Napg 4 Atoh1,Cckar,Grik3,Klf4,Rb1,Sox2,Klf7,Olig3,Klf8,Tnni3k 5 Gng2,Ptpre 6 7 Tbx3 75 Notch2,Zfp458 8 9 Frk,Mpp1
    ## use common ancestors collapsed onto the known NCBI taxonomy eTerm <- dEnricher(data, identity="symbol", genome="Mm", ontology="PS2", sizeRange=c(10,20000), min.overlap=0)
    Start at 2015-07-21 17:29:56 First, load the ontology PS2 and its gene associations in the genome Mm (2015-07-21 17:29:56) ... '' (from has been loaded into the working environment 'org.Mm.egPS' (from has been loaded into the working environment Then, do mapping based on symbol (2015-07-21 17:29:57) ... Among 61 symbols of input data, there are 61 mappable via official gene symbols but 0 left unmappable Third, perform enrichment analysis using HypergeoTest (2015-07-21 17:29:57) ... There are 18 terms being used, each restricted within [10,20000] annotations Last, adjust the p-values using the BH method (2015-07-21 17:29:57) ... End at 2015-07-21 17:29:57 Runtime in total is: 1 secs
    output <- dEnricherView(eTerm, top_num=NULL, sortBy="none", details=TRUE) write.table(output, file="enrichment_PS2.txt", quote=F, row.names=F,col.names=T,sep="\t") output
    name nAnno nOverlap zscore pvalue adjp namespace 11 33208:Metazoa 603 4 1.300 6.2e-02 1.2e-01 kingdom 13 6072:Eumetazoa 453 2 0.314 2.2e-01 3.0e-01 no rank 15 33213:Bilateria 394 1 -0.342 4.1e-01 4.6e-01 no rank 17 33511:Deuterostomia 682 1 -0.936 7.0e-01 7.4e-01 no rank 18 7711:Chordata 73 0 -0.511 2.3e-01 3.0e-01 phylum 19 7742:Vertebrata 104 1 1.040 5.3e-02 1.2e-01 no rank 20 117571:Euteleostomi 599 3 0.612 1.6e-01 2.7e-01 no rank 21 8287:Sarcopterygii 73 3 5.410 1.3e-04 7.7e-04 no rank 22 32523:Tetrapoda 96 1 1.130 4.6e-02 1.2e-01 no rank 23 32524:Amniota 177 4 4.290 4.0e-04 1.8e-03 no rank 24 40674:Mammalia 30 0 -0.327 1.0e-01 1.8e-01 class 25 32525:Theria 97 4 6.260 2.4e-05 2.1e-04 no rank 26 9347:Eutheria 75 0 -0.518 2.3e-01 3.0e-01 no rank 27 1437010:Boreoeutheria 62 5 10.200 8.0e-08 1.4e-06 no rank 3 2759:Eukaryota 8431 11 -5.130 1.0e+00 1.0e+00 superkingdom 68 314147:Glires 17 0 -0.246 5.9e-02 1.2e-01 no rank 75 10090:Mus musculus 69 2 3.560 1.9e-03 6.8e-03 species 8 33154:Opisthokonta 3459 13 0.234 3.4e-01 4.0e-01 no rank distance 11 0.09260898 13 0.1117612 15 0.126603 17 0.1485278 18 0.1575984 19 0.1695313 20 0.1829545 21 0.1855467 22 0.188559 23 0.1924103 24 0.1955288 25 0.1991713 26 0.2026269 27 0.2040922 3 0 68 0.2070103 75 0.236906 8 0.03880849 members 11 Frk,Mpp1,Itpr2,Bcl2 13 Ehf,Plcb1 15 Zfp329 17 Gucy2c 18 19 Prok2 20 Cxcl15,Cxcl5,Phf20l1 21 Zfp97,Zfp715,2610305D13Rik 22 3300002I08Rik 23 Zfp748,Zfp455,Zfp457,Rex2 24 25 AW146154,Zfp120,Rsl1,Zfp456 26 27 Ranbp2,2410141K09Rik,Zfp369,Nxf3,Zfp459 3 Cat,Cd44,Rab17,Rasl2-9,Vps4b,Serpinb5,Uba52,Zfp42,Abcg2,Lrrc28,Napg 68 75 Notch2,Zfp458 8 Atoh1,Cckar,Grik3,Klf4,Rb1,Sox2,Klf7,Olig3,Klf8,Tnni3k,Gng2,Ptpre,Tbx3